Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Stepping out by Myself

I took three steps by myself today. Just thought I'd let you all know.

It was at a garden centre, if you really want to know.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I don't know whether I've told you before, but when I was younger, I had a milk allergy. That meant that I could only have Mummy's milk, and Soya milk, but not Cows milk. In fact I couldn't eat anything made from or by Cows, including beef!

It also meant that Mummy couldn't eat Cow things, because then the Cow things would get into the milk she makes for me. Did you know that chocolate has bits of cow in it? So that meant that for seven months, Mummy hasn't been able to eat chocolate. Imagine that!

But two weeks ago, a doctor said that he thought I might have grown out of the milk allegy, and so I was allowed to try milk again. It seems to like me now, and I certainly like it better than soya milk.

And Mummy is allowed to eat chocolate again. She had a whole tin of Celebrations to Celebrate. I thought I better help her out. It was difficult to choose though! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Look how I've changed, Part II

About 6 months ago, I showed you how I'm growing up. Here's another example. On the left, there's the old me, in October. On the right, me now. Posted by Picasa

Choosing my next pair of Shoes

Apparently I'm going to have a have a new pair of shoes every few months. I thought I better start looking now. Do you think these would suit me? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Life isn't all smiles

Even at my tender year, I've learnt that life isn't all smiles. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 20, 2006

Taking a Stroll

My shoes are getting quite used to walking now - I give them a lot of practice. They really liked the stroll along Poole Quay. Posted by Picasa


On holiday, I even found time for a Waltz with my newly discovered twin sister. Who looks prettier: me or her? Posted by Picasa

Me having Breakfast on Holiday

Whilst Mummy, Daddy, and Granny enjoyed a full-works breakfast, I had to make do with porridge. They offered me HP sauce to liven it up, but I said no! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 18, 2006

We went on a holiday

We went on a holiday this week. On Tuesday, Mummy and Daddy put me and Granny in the car and we went somewhere, then by Wednesday evening we were back home again. We actually went down to Dorchester. You see, Mummy's cousin wanted to have a baby just like me, and she thought it would have arrived by now. But when we got there, there was no baby. I think the postman must have been late. Anyway, we had a nice little holiday. We stayed at a very nice house called Tolpuddle Hall (sounds grand doesn't it?). I went in my capacity as official handle and knob inspector. I tested all the handles on the drawers, and unscrewed any that were loose to show Mummy and Daddy. When I get time, I’ll update this post with some pictures.

The baby arrived on Thursday evening, by the way. Name of Emily.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Hot Cross Buns

We're coming up to easter, so I thought I'd tell you about me and Hot Cross Buns.

I like them. A lot.

I have them for breakfast sometimes,as often as I can persuade Mummy than I'm not going to eat my porridge. And today I decided that I'd have one in the afternoon. I'd just eaten a yoghurt, but I didn't let that stop me. Mummy and Daddy thought I might be poorly on Sunday, because I'd been a little bit sick in the morning. I felt fine - I tried to show them that by playing happily all day but that didn't stop them from practically starving me. So today I thought I better stock up.

When I heard Mummy leaving the bags of shopping in the hallway, I saw my opportunity, and took it. As soon as her back was turned, I crawled out of the lounge and toward the bags. I unpacked them as fast as I could, throwing aside a packet of those funny sticks that Mummy and Daddy poke in their mouths morning and evening, and other things that didn't look eatable.

Then I found what I was looking for. A packet of Hot Cross Buns. I don't know why they call them that. They don't look anything like angry raisins, and they don't feel even the tinyest bit warm. Perhpas I'll have to ask Daddy - he has known everything since he was only seven years old.

Anyway, I had a problem. Usually my Hot Cross Bun comes to me on a plate, spread with butter. These ones were covered in plastic. But I didn't let that stop me. Mummy and Daddy may think that I have been practicing my pincer grip in order to turn the pages of my books. Now they know how versatile it is! Because I tore open the packet, before you could say Heath Robinson (or should that be Jack Robinson?).

By the time Mummy came back, I'd eaten enough to make sure she wouldn't take it off me!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Cruising for a Bruising

This is me doing some kitcheneering: its like mountaineering but at a safer altitude and without all the ropes and funny shoes. You still have to be sure to chalk your fingers and maintain three points of contact at all times.

Sometimes though, I slip (that's were the second part of todays title comes in). Don't worry though: when this happens, I simply activate my distress signal (i.e. I bawl my head off). The kitchen rescue team (aka Mummy and Daddy) arrives within seconds (I think they must be watching me or something) and pick me up and give me a hug. Then I set off again.

You wouldn't believe how far I can go these days, using this technique. Right from one corner of the lounge to the other. But I still have to use my Zimmer Frame if I want to visit the wild interior! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mid-morning nap

I don't usually sleep much during the day. 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the afternoon. I just have so much to do that I can't afford to waste time.

But last week I was a bit poorly (ear infection - I'm better now, thank you for asking), so I allowed myself 2 hours. This allowed Mummy and Daddy to fit in one and a half episodes of 24! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Aunty Tara's wedding plans

Aunty Tara came to visit me today. She fed me doughnuts. Then she and Mummy discussed boring things like wedding plans, so I played with Daddy instead. Posted by Picasa

My Activity Table

This is me with my birthday present. Sshh! Don't tell Granny, but it isn't my birthday for another month.

This table is very special, because it can sing, and flash lights at me, and teach me my alphabet (whatever that is). Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Out of Clear Blue Eyes

I think my eye is a lot prettier than the Lord of the Ring'sPosted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Granny's Friend Jill

My Granny's Friend Jill came down to see me at the weekend. She stayed at Granny's house, so I guess she saw Granny as well. I hope she likes her picture. Posted by Picasa