Friday, April 29, 2005

Now, I wonder what happens if I press that button there? Oh! It lights up and plays a tune.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Finally, I've got a picture of me with my Great Grandad - he's married to my Great Granny

My daddy is going to try to take pictures of me lying on this rug every week or so. Then he hopes to be able to do a time-lapse video of me growing up!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A bible verse for me!

A friend just emailed my Daddy with a bible verse that he thought was very appropriate for me: 1 Corinthians 15.51

I've found that I do sleep better after I've had my nappy changed. But I hope that the Apostle didn't mean that if I don't sleep, my Mummy and Daddy will take me back to the hospital and exchange me for a baby that does.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Daddy has just given me a bath.
Bec asked whether my Daddy is taking his fair share of night time duties.

For obvious reasons, Daddy is not able to answer certain of my night time calls, but I can assure you that he answers promptly when my nappy needs changing, or if I have a touch of wind.

I am sleeping well. I slept for eight hours one night, and seven the next. But then I decided that Mummy and Daddy were getting off too lightly, so I decided to wake up at about half five every morning after that - although I do go back to sleep to let them have a bit of a lie-in.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I'm a big girl now: one week old!

Friday, April 08, 2005

One happy family!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

My Comment Policy

I love people leaving comments on my blog. But remember how young I am and please keep the language clean. My Daddy would particularly like people to remember the Third Commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." I will delete any comments containing words that I don't like.

Me with my Great Grandpa

My Great Grandma and Me
Me with My Great-Granny - she is great too! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Me with Mummy Posted by Hello

Me just after I had a bath.

Me with Daddy - doesn't he look proud!

I had only arrived a few minutes before this photo was taken. Daddy didn't even give me a chance to put my clothes on. See me thinking? I was wondering how many megapixels his camera was!

Hello world

Hello world. My name is Squiggler. At least it used to be Squiggler until I was born a few days ago. Now my Mummy and Daddy have given me a proper name, but only my friends know what that is. I think it is a very nice name.

Anyway, I thought that you would like to see some of the pictures my Daddy took of me.